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It takes 21 to 80 job applications to get one job offer, on average. Competition is always tough especially in the Eye Care industry, it’s no walk in the park but there’s actually a way you can get into the inbox of the right people that can help you stand out and open big doors for your career. 

How? Emails.The best part? It’s totally free. 

If you’re a recent graduate or an eye care professional looking to pivot, emailing a recruiter can either sound exciting, overwhelming or too much work. With Eye To Eye Career’s experienced recruiters of more than 10 years, here are expert recruiter approved tips and email templates to make sure your job hunting email gets opened, replied to and not marked as spam. 

Before anything else though, let’s talk about the pre-game steps. Here are a few things you have to do before sending out emails.

3 Important Things To Do Before Cold Emailing

The preparation phase is just as important as the actual sending phase as this is what you’ll have to attach to your email and negotiate with.

1. Update your resume.

One of the first things you’ll want to do before you email a recruiter is to make sure your resume is polished and up-to-date. 

Your resume serves as a snapshot of your professional journey, and it’s the recruiter’s first glimpse into your skills and experience. Review your resume to ensure it accurately reflects your latest accomplishments, job roles, and any relevant certifications.

2. Consider your career objectives

What type of role are you aiming for? What industries or companies align with your aspirations? Having a clear understanding of your career direction will help you tailor your email to the specific job opportunity. 

When you can articulate your goals, it shows the recruiter that you’ve put thought into your career path and that you’re serious about finding the right fit. Also you give a clearer answer as to why you need that new job. 

3. List down your non-negotiables

It’s important to identify your “non-negotiables.” These are aspects of a job that you consider essential for your satisfaction and success. It could be factors like location, work-life balance, growth opportunities, or company culture. 

Listing these non-negotiables will guide your conversation with the recruiter. When you communicate your preferences clearly, you’re setting the stage for a more targeted job search and a better chance of finding a role that truly aligns with what you need.

Related Article: 9 Employer Red Flags to Look Out for in an Optometry Job Search

Now that’s clear, next is knowing how you can email a recruiter or recruiters and most definitely you’ll be needing their email addresses.

Where can I find Recruiter Email Addresses?

  1. Job Listings: When you check job postings, you can see the poster’s name and most likely it’s a recruiter. You can look up their email address via social media or other platforms.
  2. Company Career Pages: Some companies maintain dedicated recruiters who specialize in identifying top-notch candidates exclusively. If you have your sights set on a particular company, navigate to their career page on their website. It’s possible that you’ll come across contact information for a recruiter who can guide you through potential job opportunities within the company.
  3. Job placement agencies: Recruiters in any staffing agency usually have their email addresses attached on their LinkedIn or other platform profiles. These companies, like us, work with both candidates looking for jobs and clinics/companies looking to hire. 

Now, Let’s Review 9 Best Practices Before you Email a Recruiter

1. Research the company first

Before you even type a single word, dedicate some time to researching the company you’re reaching out to. Understand their mission, values, and recent developments. This research will help you tailor your email to resonate with their specific needs and culture.

2. Be direct in your subject line

Your subject line acts as the gateway to your email. Keep it concise and to the point, highlighting your purpose. A direct subject line grabs the recruiter’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of your email.

  • New Optometrist Graduate searching for new opportunities
  • Experienced Pediatric Ophthalmologist looking for full time opportunities
  • Inquiring about Optometry roles in Retail Settings

3. Greet them by name

Make sure that when you email a recruiter, you address them by their name to add a personal touch. This simple step shows that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in engaging with them.

4. Mention how you learned about the job opportunity

Begin your email by sharing where you came across the job opening. Whether it was through a job board, company website, or referral, mentioning this connection immediately establishes context.

  • I found your email when I was browsing for Optometrist roles on LinkedIn
  • [Name] who you helped with [specific role], recommended that I reach out to you for [specific role].

5. Introduce yourself and briefly review your experience

Briefly introduce yourself and mention your current role or most recent experience. Highlight any achievements or skills that are relevant to the job you’re interested in. Make a concise and impactful connection between your background and the role.

  • I’m [Name], I’ve worked as a [job role] at [company name] for the past [number of years]. I’m interested in applying for [interested role].
  • I have extensive experience in [work setting] as a [job role] for the past [number of years]

6. Describe your next career goal

Share your career aspirations and how they align with the position you’re inquiring about. Demonstrating your future plans showcases your commitment to growth and adds depth to your engagement.

  • I am relocating within the next few months, so I’m searching for similar positions in the [State] area.
  • I’ve worked for 5 years in [work setting] and want to pivot to a role in the [work setting]

7. Ask them to collaborate

Express your interest in collaborating with the recruiter to explore potential opportunities. Using inclusive language encourages a sense of partnership and sets a positive tone.

  • I would be thrilled to discuss how my skills align with your company’s vision. Could we schedule a brief meeting to explore this further?
  • If you’re interested, I’d be happy to share my resume and portfolio to give you a better sense of my background. Please let me know if that would be helpful

8. Inform About a Follow-Up and Share your Contact Info

Let the recruiter know you’re looking forward to their response. Include your contact information, such as your phone number and LinkedIn profile, to make it easy for them to reach out.

  • I’m excited about the potential to connect further. Please feel free to reach out to me at [Your Phone Number], and you can also find me on LinkedIn ([Your LinkedIn Profile]) for easy communication.
  • Feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] whenever convenient. Let’s continue this conversation on LinkedIn as well ([Your LinkedIn Profile]). I’m eager to learn more about the possibilities ahead.

9. Wait for a reply

Recruiters receive numerous emails, so give them time to review and respond. If you haven’t heard back after a week or two, a gentle follow-up may be appropriate.

To keep it simple, you have to make sure your email includes:

  1. Personalized message and how you think you can contribute to the company
  2. Tangible skills that the company needs
  3. An established point about why you are mission-aligned with the company via experience or relevant work
  4. Request an opportunity to talk or meet

Examples for Job Hunters in How to Email a Recruiter

1. Emailing your dream company

Dear [NAME],

As a dedicated [YOUR JOB TITLE] with a passion for [RELEVANT SKILL/INTEREST], I’ve long admired [COMPANY NAME]’s groundbreaking work in [COMPANY’S FOCUS AREA]. With [NUMBER] years of experience in [RELATED SKILL], [RELATED SKILL], and [RELATED SKILL], I’m confident in my ability to contribute to [COMPANY NAME]’s continued success.

Your commitment to [MISSION/VALUE] resonates deeply with my experiences [SHARE BRIEF EXPERIENCE/PROJECT]. This alignment is what drives my eagerness to join your team. Here’s my LinkedIn profile: [PROFILE LINK]. I’d love the chance to explore how my skills could enhance [PROJECT/INITIATIVE].

Can we schedule a brief chat at your convenience? I’d appreciate the opportunity to discuss my potential contribution further.

Warm regards,


2. When you want to tap into your network for an introduction

Hi [Contact’s Name],

I hope this finds you well. I’ve been following your impressive journey and noticed your connection to [COMPANY NAME]. As someone who deeply values [YOUR CONNECTION/SHARED INTEREST], I’m excited about the prospect of joining their team.

With [NUMBER] years in [YOUR FIELD], I’ve honed my skills in [RELEVANT SKILL] and [RELEVANT SKILL], which I believe align well with [COMPANY NAME]’s requirements. Your insights would be invaluable. Could you kindly introduce me to the HR or hiring team?

Thanks for your time and support.

Best regards,


3. When you need to email someone you don’t know


I hope this email finds you well. I’m [YOUR NAME], a [YOUR JOB TITLE] keenly interested in [COMPANY NAME]’s contributions to [RELEVANT INDUSTRY]. I’m impressed by your work and expertise in [SHARED INTEREST/PROJECT].

With [NUMBER] years of experience in [YOUR FIELD], my proficiency in [RELEVANT SKILL] and [RELEVANT SKILL] has enabled me to [HIGHLIGHT ACHIEVEMENT]. I’m enthusiastic about the chance to learn from the best at [COMPANY NAME].

Would you be available for a brief chat to share insights on your experience and journey? I’d be truly grateful.

Best regards,


4. When you want an informational interview


I’m reaching out as I’m captivated by [TARGET COMPANY]’s industry influence. I’m particularly intrigued by [DESIRED ROLE].

Could we schedule a brief call for insights into your experience at [TARGET COMPANY] and advice for someone like me with [NUMBER] years of experience in [RELATED SKILL]?

Your perspective would be immensely valuable as I explore potential opportunities. Your guidance would be invaluable.

Warm regards,


5. When you want to let a recruiter know you applied

I wanted to let you know that I’ve applied for the [DESIRED ROLE] position at your [TARGET COMPANY]. With [NUMBER] years’ experience in [RELATED SKILL], [RELATED SKILL], and [RELATED SKILL], I’m enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your team. You can learn more about me by viewing my LinkedIn Profile [LINKEDIN PROFILE LINK].

I’d love to set up a time to schedule a call and talk about the position and my experience. I have some availability on [DAYS] next week from [TIME SPAN WITH TIME ZONE].

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application further. You can email me at [EMAIL ADDRESS] or by phone at [PHONE NUMBER].

Best regards,


6. When your first email got ignored

Side note: Make sure to wait for 2 weeks at least before the next follow-up.


I wanted to revisit my previous email expressing my interest in the [JOB TITLE] position at [COMPANY NAME]. With my strong background in [RELEVANT SKILL] and [RELEVANT SKILL], I’m confident in my potential contribution.

I’m eager to learn more and explore possible alignment with your team’s goals. I’d be grateful for your time. I can work around whatever works for you.

Thank you,


7. When you want to say “thank you” after an interview.


I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [JOB TITLE] role at [COMPANY NAME]. Your insights into [INTERVIEW DISCUSSION] were enlightening.

I remain excited about the possibility of contributing to [COMPANY NAME]’s mission. Thanks again for your time and consideration.

Best regards,


Sounds like too much work? Let us do employer sourcing for you

Not every time you email a recruiter will yield a meeting with a dream connection or an eventual job offer. Imagine sending out 10-15 emails a day to different companies and not having the guarantee of getting a reply. 

Well if that sounds too tedious for you, don’t worry. Eye To Eye Careers can find an employer and a job opportunity for you, for free and without any work on your end. 

Our process is simple. Get on a call with us, tell us about your qualifications, interests and future goals. We’ll connect you with our recruiters and support scheduling your potential interview in 5-7 business days. 

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